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Soho Holly Party Secretary lectures on disciplinary party courses

Release date:2024-06-26    【Font:Large Middle Small
      In order to implement the requirements of comprehensive strict governance of the Party, further strengthen the Party's discipline construction, guide Party members and cadres to understand discipline and law, and abide by the bottom line, on the morning of June 26th, Ma Hongwei, Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of Soho Holly, gave a disciplinary party lecture entitled "Learning Party Discipline, Building a 'Firewall' of Rules, and Continuously Promoting the High quality Development of State owned Enterprises".
     The party lecture emphasizes that state-owned enterprises are an important material and political foundation of socialism with Chinese characteristics, and an important pillar and reliance for our party to govern and revitalize the country. In December 2023, the CPC Central Committee issued the revised Regulations on Discipline of the CPC, which lists a "negative list" for party members and cadres, draws a red line for their words and deeds, and sets the bottom line. All party members should consciously accept the tempering baptism of party discipline learning and education, and transform the character of loyalty to the party into practical action to promote the high-quality development of state-owned enterprises.
     The Party class pointed out that Soho Holly fully implements the requirements of strict governance of the Party, consciously implements the main responsibility and supervision responsibility of Party conduct and clean governance construction, puts Party conduct and clean governance construction and anti-corruption work in a prominent position, continuously enhances the discipline and self-discipline awareness of Party members and cadres, and achieves certain results in Party conduct and clean governance construction and work style construction of the company and its subsidiaries at all levels, providing guarantees for the company's reform, development and stability. However, compared with the requirements of superiors and the needs of the development of the situation, there are still some weak links. In recent years, some violations of organizational discipline, integrity discipline, and work discipline have occurred from time to time.
      The requirements of the Party class are to further strengthen responsibilities, clarify the responsibilities of the company's Party committee and discipline inspection commission in disciplinary construction, and ensure the effective implementation of the responsibility system for Party conduct and clean governance construction; The second is to implement the requirements of the Party's work style construction, pay attention to problem orientation, and achieve early and small attention, and prevent problems from arising; Thirdly, we will closely monitor the "key few" and strengthen supervision over leading cadres, requiring party members and cadres to practice the standards of "loyalty to the party, courage to innovate, effective governance of enterprises, promising development of enterprises, and integrity and honesty"; The fourth is to rectify corruption and unhealthy practices around the masses, encourage and urge employees and the masses to participate in supervision, establish and improve reporting and feedback mechanisms, and ensure that power operates in the sunshine.

     Nearly 40 people, including members of the company's leadership team, members of the discipline inspection commission, main responsible persons of various functional departments and business units, secretaries of various party branches, all party members of the third party branch, and discipline inspection commissioners of various party branches, listened to this party lecture.


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