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Branch co construction and aggregation power empower the company's high-quality development

Release date:2024-01-05    【Font:Large Middle Small
     In order to further consolidate the foundation of party building work, enhance learning and communication among branches, and promote the integrated development of party building business, on December 21st, the party branch of SOHO Holly Fertilizer Company and the one party branch of Jiangsu Huaihe Chemical Co., Ltd. jointly built and exchanged branches.
     All party members first went to the Huanghuatang New Fourth Army Memorial Hall to visit and learn, and together they reviewed the oath of joining the party, remembered the hardships and sweetness, forged ahead, and always maintained the original intention of joining the party.
     Subsequently, all party members went to Jiangsu Huaihe Chemical Co., Ltd. for a visit and business exchange symposium. The leaders of both sides introduced the basic situation of their respective branches, the characteristics of their party building activities, and the progress of their business work. They jointly discussed the significance and ideas of carrying out branch joint construction activities, and exchanged experiences and insights on how to carry out party branch construction, stimulate branch vitality, and use branch construction to support the high-quality development of the company.

      Comrade Lu Dehai, Secretary of the Party Branch and Chairman of the Fertilizer Company, stated that Huaihe Chemical is a high-quality production-oriented enterprise with advanced production technology and management concepts. It has always had a good cooperative relationship with the Fertilizer Company and hopes to use the joint construction of the branch as a carrier to further strengthen cooperation and communication. With the guidance of Party building and the characteristics of actual work, it will effectively play the exemplary role of Party members, achieve resource sharing, complementary advantages, and deep integration and development.

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