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Soho Holly holds warning education conference

Release date:2024-07-26    【Font:Large Middle Small
      On July 24th, SOHO Holy held a warning education conference to thoroughly study and implement General Secretary Xi Jinping's important discourse on comprehensively strengthening the Party's discipline construction, convey the spirit of the warning education conference of the holding group, guide the company's party members and cadres to be alert, understand the bottom line, and be respectful, and continuously consolidate and develop the company's clean and upright political ecology. The Secretary of the Party Committee and Chairman of the Company, Ma Hongwei, presided over the meeting and delivered a speech.
     At the meeting, Jiang Haiying, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and General Manager of the company, led the study of General Secretary Jinping's important discourse on comprehensively strengthening the construction of Party discipline, and conveyed the spirit of the warning education conference of the holding group. The conference organized the viewing of a special warning educational film titled "Warning Record of Corruption Cases in Key Areas". He Xiaole, Deputy Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of the company, reported on typical cases of disciplinary violations within the company and conducted a profound analysis.
    We must firmly uphold our political beliefs, adhere to the use of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era to strengthen our foundation, cultivate our spirit, and enhance our awareness of Party spirit and membership. The second is to transform disciplinary rules into conscious thinking. We must always tighten the string of discipline, always be self disciplined, self reflective, self alert, and self motivated, take the lead in setting an example for self revolution, and be a benchmark for compliance and discipline. The third is to transform disciplinary rules into conscious actions. Always be strict with oneself. Party members and cadres should firmly establish and practice the correct views on power, political achievements, and performance, take the lead in strictly abiding by and implementing the six major disciplines of the Party, be respectful, cautious, and keep the bottom line, and always be loyal, clean, and responsible. We must always maintain the spirit of "rushing", the spirit of "breaking through", the state of "comparison", and the style of "practicality", and contribute to the high-quality development of Su Hao Hongye.

      A total of 60 people, including the company's leadership team, middle-level cadres, financial managers of subsidiary companies, human resources department, and party affairs workers, attended the meeting on site.


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